


1. Introduction:
The Language Center (LC) at NCUE was founded in 2008.The primary mission is to help students increase their language ability so that they can broaden the world view and become competitive internationally.The Language Center also gives people from the community an opportunity to take classes in a relaxed atmosphere, so that their confidence in learning a language, or languages, will increase.
2. The Language Center Organization:
     ◎ Chinese Division:
     Chinese language learning, Chinese language proficiency tests, etc.
     ◎ Foreign Division:
  Foreign language learning, foreign language proficiency tests, etc.
  ◎ General Affairs Division:
  Administration, promotion, and other related affairs.
3. Service Hours:

Monday - Friday

Regular Semester

08:30 17:00

Summer / Winter Vacation

08:30 16:30

  •Language Center will be closed for public holidays.
  •Other special non-working days will be announced.
4. Our Location:
  (1) How to get to NCUE (Jin-De Campus):
  (2) How to get to the Langauge Center at NCUE: